Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's Been A Long,Long Time.....

Happy New YEAR!!
One of my resolutions is to start using this blog to show my journey as an artist. Drawing portraits, learning to use color, all the things I never had formal training for. Since this is a new year beginning, I begin. I plan to show my work in all stages, knowing that how I work may not be the way someone else does. I learned on my own, because I loved a Beatle named George and for some reason the only way this adolecent girl had to express that love was through a portrait.
And that started this journey....with many stops off the main road, it has NEVER been my intention to be anything else. I have done many other creative things along the way, all important to my growth and where I was in my life. The saying "If you're given lemons, make lemonade." comes to mind. These will come up as I create and share here. If I can help one other struggling artist, or inspire someone to do something they've always wanted to do but didn't feel they could, or should, for WHATEVER reason, well, I believe that's what it's all about.
I have 2 portraits in various stages that I am going to attempt to photograph today and get up onto the blog. But it's very windy out....let you know!! :>

1 comment:

Lupie said...

Your story about drawing Beatle George is my sory as well but I would draw Paul.