Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today I rejoined the Berks Art Alliance. I now longer need to worry about getting Thursdays off, so I can now focus on the creative muses I need around me. I have a doll in the making and am now a member of Cloth and Clay.ning. The organizer of this group has put together a doll selling site as well called Doll Town and they will have their grand opening on February 27th at 7:00 p.m., so you can check out the amazingly creative folk on these sites.
I am ready for Spring, but I know mother nature knows what she's doing. I am looking forard to watching my Spring movies: Twister, Fairy Tale, Practical Magic, and The Good Witchs Garden!!!
I found this pen and ink I drew a while back and really like the mood, so I thought I'd share.

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